
Produktsøk "10708.2-100-ME"

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Bilde Prod. nr. / CAS: Produktnavn Leveringstid Pakning / Spesifikasjon Nettopris / Valuta Antall
C10708.2-100-ME C10708.2-100-ME
1330274-66-2 (for the conjugated base)
O,O-Dimethyl thiophosphate-13C2, sodium salt 1 mL
100 µg conj. base/mL in methanol
6 775,00 NOK Kjøp
C10708.2-100-MEx5 C10708.2-100-MEx5
1330274-66-2 (for the conjugated base)
O,O-Dimethyl thiophosphate-13C2, sodium salt 5 x 1 mL
100 µg conj. base/mL in methanol
25 397,00 NOK Kjøp